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3-day LEO Firearms Instructor Course

September 17 - September 19


Tactical Options 3-day/30-hour Modern Firearms Instructor Advancement Course is designed specifically for Firearms Instructors, or participating students seeking to advance their shooting and tactics capabilities, that advances the instructor’s/student’s terminology and definition, in-depth knowledge of weapon fundamentals and applications in various engagement drills, teaching methodologies, introduction and performance standards with various tactical performance shooting drills, how to indoctrinate internal critical task evaluations within their department firearms training programs. Students will leave with advanced knowledge on constructing and indoctrinating effective principle training paths, and various drills designed to enhance weapon fundamental application and condition the mindset. These will be critical in developing students’ principles related to various real-world deadly situations. Skillsets and motor skills will be developed through phases progressive development stages designed for the individual to understand and implement proper fundamental application under stress, critical situational analysis and execution, principles of execution concerning various threat contingencies, and efficiency techniques.

This 3-day program and course objectives include:

  • Expeditionary mindset development: proactive vs reactive upon immediate threat/s. How instructors indoctrinate and enforce this mindset during their department training
  • Learning how to incorporate principles of the threat combined with firearms fundamental terminology in verbiage, teaching blocks, and advancement of principle training paths
  • Instructor enhanced knowledge on identifying a shooter’s errors based on observation of bullet impact to target. How’s and why’s, and efficient instructor solutions for a fix
  • The thought process on body armor and kit setup: principle / SOP vs Shooter Solution
  • Pistol/carbine safe handling skills and safety manipulation. How to develop an individual shooter’s confidence in weapon manipulation skills/safety practices while under stress
  • Pistol/carbine fundamental application and weapon mechanical skillset development
  • Precision shot accuracy drills and development of performance time standards: enhancement and further understanding fundamentals, but how to brief fundamentals correctly
  • Jams, malfunctions, and misfire clearance procedures and stress drills. How to incorporate weapon recovery drills in your training program without taking away from your training path
  • Expedient weapon presentation, sight acquisition, muscular tension points, recoil management, and trigger manipulation techniques and drill enforcement: how to brief, demonstrate correctly, and identify flaws within an individual’s shooting platform
  • Shooting while moving: pistol grip control and carbine support arm stabilization methods while moving
  • Lateral/oblique angle moving and shooting drills: the purpose of drill and how the drills combine with everyday possibilities
  • Barricade shooting and clearance methods: hasty vs deliberate
  • Modern basic – intermediate level target transition / multi-threat engagement drills
  • Magazine speed reloads / tac-mag reloads and threat follow-through
  • Firearm body position fundamentals on urban/rural sources of cover and/or firing positions: kneeling, prone, rollover prone, and other unorthodox body positions
  • Weapon malfunction clearance procedures and threat reduction follow-through
  • Weapon manipulation techniques
  • Single-hand reloads both carbine and pistol: fundamentals, safety points, and practices, and proper demonstration of the instructor combined with performance target engagement drills
  • Multi-round firing orders and shot cadence practices at various distances enhance accurate shot placement, muzzle control, weapon sight tracking, and control arm application to enhance control
  • 3-dimensional thought application, maneuver/cover determination, and threat engagement process. How to apply principles teaching points and tactics into stress accuracy shooting drills
  • Target discrimination drills that enhance individual officer focus and precision shooting capabilities
  • Individual critical task evaluation development during range practices
  • Focal cognitive drills
  • Carbine 50y – 200y grouping: body positions, round trajectory, and weapon sight hold off / point of aim point of impact: understand external terminal ballistics and how to get your shooter’s precision point with limited resources. Training target selection with limited resources and low round count
  • Buddy–team tactical movement flat range performance drills that focus on movement from cover position to cover position: individual duties and responsibilities, communication and proper verbiage, sector assessment: safe stress lanes that develop and advance individual and buddy team confidence and management of stress during flat range live fires practices

Required Equipment:

  • Duty Carbine Weapon System with Sling
  • Duty Pistol Weapon System
  • Ballistic Eye and Ear Protection
  • Duty Belt / Tac Belt with Pistol Holster
  • Body Armor Carrier System / Shooters Kit
  • Ballistic Helmet
  • Carbine Magazine and Pistol Pouches (must be able to carry 3 magazines of each type)
  • 5 Carbine and 5 Pistol Magazines
  • Working TacLight for both Carbine and Pistol
  • Spare Batteries for All Optics and TacLights
  • Snacks and Water
  • Folding Chair (Optional)
  • Weapon Cleaning Kit and Lubricant
  • Weather Gear (Check Weather)

Packing List:

  • Carbine system with iron sights and/or RDS (RDS most recommended) and sling
  • Spare batteries and mounting screws for RDS (none will be provided)
  • Minimal of 5 carbine magazines (will shorten reload times during active courses of fire)
  • Duty belt, tac-belt, chest carrier system to hold spare magazines
  • Range training clothing
  • Ballistic tinted and clear eye protection
  • Hearing protection (noise canceling recommended)
  • Gloves (optional)
  • Note-taking material (you will record your data)
  • Weapons cleaning kit with lubricant (have Q-tips, optics mounting tools, lens wipes)
  • Water and snacks
  • Lunch (optional as an hour lunch break will be provided)
  • Sunscreen
  • Wet weather clothing (check weather)

NOTE: Contact the instructor on any questions you may have about additional items not listed.

Round Count:

  • 700 training pistol

  • 900 training carbine rounds per student




September 17
September 19
Event Categories:
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Jonas Polson
View Organizer Website


Delaware County Sheriff’s Office Training Range
701 N. Parrish Road
Selma, IN 47383
+ Google Map