Train-the-Trainer Close Quarter Battle Course is a 30-hour program designed to develop instructor capabilities to Law Enforcement training elements or military personnel in leadership roles when training CQB. Students will be instructed on understanding and being able to communicate critical CQB principles, fundamentals, and efficiency techniques. Students will leave with a better comprehensive teaching base and terminology to better define principles, fundamentals, and individual duties and responsibilities to your element when operating in an urban/close-quarters environment.
Instructors/leaders will be shown how to advance an individual’s/collective team element’s performance through a variety of building blocks on how to effectively apply CQB practices, scenarios, and cover various threat contingencies. This will enhance the instructor/leader’s unit capabilities to advancing responding officers involved in domestic threats, active shooter, crisis response to their region, and for military components to improve their urban CQB applications.
450 Carbine Simms Rounds and 200 Simms Pistol Rounds