The Train-the-Trainer Weapons Precision Course is a 30-hour is designed for members of the Law Enforcement community that teach marksmanship and tactical shooting within their department/agency. Instructors and trainers will learn how to be more effective in defining carbine and pistol fundamentals and drills that enhance individual fundamental weapon capability. Trainers will be more capable of teaching, coaching, and mentoring an officer on how to be more deliberate, confident, and aggressive with their weapon systems.
The instructor/trainer will learn proper verbiage, terminology, and definition of threat variables and how they pertain to shot accuracy in order to end deadly situations immediately an officer may encounter. Progressive stages will develop the instructor to know how to build individual capabilities, develop realistic critical task evaluations and shooting performance standards, development, and understanding how to teach various principle training paths. Instructors/trainers will learn advanced speed and accuracy tactical shooting drills with various training methodologies and how to advance their officers when conducting marksmanship training.
* Contact for customized marksmanship shooting programs, low-light / no-light marksmanship, marksmanship powerpoint classes to be used as visual aids during training, or instructor pamphlet guides with numerous shooting drills and standards that can be used on the range during training.
900 Carbine and 700 Pistol